Guest Pie Spot of the Month: Magpies Artisan Pie Boutique in Philli
Who says you can’t find good pie outside of NY? Certainly not yours truly. As we all know, pie expectations has no qualms about hopping on train, plane, or automobile and traveling miles and miles to get the good stuff. And boy, oh boy did I find some good stuff in Philadelphia! After viewing all the anatomical weirdness going on at the Mutter Museum (not for those who can’t handle a congenital defect or two), I had a major hankering for some pie. OK, I always have a major hankering for some pie. What’s a poor hapless pie addict to do so far from home? Magpies Artisan Boutique to the rescue! Started off with a buttery-crusted chicken pot pie ‘cause who says pie can’t be savory too? After that, I moved onto the Lime Basil Pie (yes, it was an all-pie meal from start to finish, that’s just how Pie expectations gets down). If you’ve never had this kind pf pie, it’s got all the feeling and flavor of a Key Lime Pie with just a hind of basil. Darn good. But since two pies are never enough for this gal, I got the signature Butterscotch Bourbon Pie. Oh Momma! Now this is one you don’t get everywhere. I knew from the start that this pie was gonna be a keeper. Instead of a meringue, this one has sort of a spongy caramelized crust on top. The filling is silky sweet, and with enough bourbon to give flavor but not enough to burn your throat and have you stumbling home mumbling incoherently. The thick texture leans toward the custard side of creamy and the buttery crust finishes off a well-rounded dessert. The trick is to take this sinfully sweet dessert, and make it so it’s not too sweet to eat. But how you ask? Heck if I know. But I’m sure glad that the folks over at Magpies do. This is one you hop on Amtrak for. Man, did it leave me yearning for my next trip to the city of brotherly love. So when you’re in town, get your science on at the Franklin museum, get your history on at the Liberty Bell, and then get your pie on at Magpies Artisan Boutique.